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About TCS


Coming to TCS

TCS provides a Christ-centred education in a caring environment where the focus is developing the academic abilities and talents of children for a life of service to God and their community.

입학 안내

디모데 크리스천 스쿨 (TCS) 입학하기

디모데 크리스천 스쿨은 보살피며 양육하는 환경에서 학생들이 하나님과 지역 사회를 섬기는 삶을 살아갈 수 있도록 그들의 학업 능력과재능을 개발하는데 초점을 맞춘 그리스도 중심의 교육을 제공합니다.





Asistir a TCS

TCS proporciona una educación centrada en Cristo en un ambiente afectuoso donde el enfoque es desarrollar las habilidades académicas y los talentos de los niños para una vida de servicio a Dios y a su comunidad.


Building a Legacy
Growing to Serve our Students

Our school has grown! To meet the needs of our expanding student body, we have expanded our current school building. Find out how you can support this incredible change!

A Day in the Life
See what TCS is like

What is life like at Timothy Christian School? Pretty incredible. We explore, learn, bond, play and grow together, helping children develop the skills they need to live life well.


Meet our Students

At Timothy Christian School, we are proud of our students and the way they reflect the handiwork of our Creator. We are honoured to be able to assist them as they learn and grow in the image and likeness of God, and encouraging them to love one another as Christ loves us.


Give to Timothy Christian School

We are a community dedicated to helping children use their gifts and abilities effectively to follow God’s plan for their lives. Join us!


Meet our Parents

Timothy Christian School isn’t just for students; it’s for families. We expect and encourage parents to be involved in the life of their children and the life of the school. We need parents to take the lead in the spiritual education of their children—and we are there to assist them. Getting involved in the school also gives parents the chance to get to know their children’s friends, teachers and be involved in their lives in meaningful ways.
